The Assemblies of God grants Ministry Credentials on 3 levels:
Certified Minister
This is the introductory level of credentials. It is for those who show a promise for ministry.
Ordained Minister
This is our highest level of credential. It is reserved for those who have achieved a proven ministry.
Licensed Minister
This is the introductory level of credentials. It is for those who show a promise for ministry.
At each level a minister must prove their preparation for ministry by completing required courses of Bible and ministerial training or have an accredited college education in a ministry related field such as: Biblical studies, evangelism, pastoral ministry, missions, etc.
Request an Application Packet:
Please send an e-mail to Be sure to include your name, mailing address, email address, cell phone number and name of church attending with your request. Your sectional presbyter will be contacting you.
Process for obtaining credentials:
- Obtain an application packet.
- Return the completed application along with the following:
- a photo of the applicant,
- a ministry résumé,
- transcripts from colleges, universities, or ministry training schools,
- authorization forms, signed and notarized, and
- application fee
- Complete two interviews
- Successfully complete credential exams
- For more detailed information on process, click on “Application Procedure” below.
Contact & Support
Rev. Janelle Marocco
District Secretary
808-871-7311 /
Megumi Ogihara
District Office
808-836-4449 /
- Minimum Qualifications
- Educational Requirement
- Application Procedure
- Credential Advancements
- Credential Renewal
Below are the minimum qualifications for ministerial credentials with the Hawaii District:
- A minimum of 18 years of age.
- Saved for a minimum of one year.
- Must be an active member of an Assemblies of God church for at least one year.
- Evidence of a divine call.
- Baptized in the Holy Ghost with the initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues, according to Acts 2:4.
- Manifest a reasonable ability for a future successful ministry.
- Must have completed the minimum prescribed courses for level of application as listed in this brochure.
- If divorced & remarried, must fill out a separate form with required documents before credential is processed. This is also applicable to the spouse.
- Must have an “active” ministry.
- For License one must have a clear evidence of a divine call, character and preparation suitable for that calling, practical ministry experience, and an evident purpose to devote one’s life in service to the proclamation of the gospel.
- To qualify for ordination, one must be at least 23 years of age & have held license for two consecutive years immediately prior to applying for ordination
Educational Requirements for ministerial credentials can be earned through one of three options: Global University, District School of Ministry, or one of the Assemblies of God colleges or Universities. To learn more the specific educational requirements at each level of credential, please click the links below.
AG Colleges
Process for Hawaii Assemblies of God:
- Complete all required Berean courses (ten to be a certified minister; ten more to be a licensed minister; 8 more to be an ordained minister). If you attended a Bible College, inform your sectional presbyter.
- Obtain copy of transcript from Global University for the sectional presbyter (if you had taken the Berean courses).
- Schedule orientation meeting with the sectional presbyter.
- Obtain application packet from sectional presbyter.
- Complete all forms in the packet:
- Application Form.
- Eight Reference Forms (three pastor/ministers, three friends and two employers) – completed forms need to be sent to the sectional presbyter, not District Office.
- Background Check Disclosure.
- Information Authorization & Release (needs to be notarized).
- Information Authorization & Release for Spouse, if applicable (needs to be notarized).
- Bankruptcy Questionnaire.
- Divorce Forms, if applicable (note: divorce cases will take longer to process)
- Study for written credentialing tests and oral interview (study guides of the tests will be provided during the orientation meeting).
- Take the written tests (this will be scheduled during the orientation meeting).
- Submit all completed forms, photocopy of the candidate’s Social Security card and two checks (one to the “Hawaii Assemblies of God” for $50 and one to the “General Council of the Assemblies of God” for $20 for certified, $25 for license, or $30 for ordained).
- Meet with sectional presbyter for the oral interview (this will be scheduled during the orientation meeting). If the candidate is married, the spouse must be interviewed either at this oral interview or at a separate meeting.
- If the candidate passes all tests and completes all forms, he/she will be scheduled at a quarterly presbytery meeting for a 30-min. interview with the District Presbytery.
- If the candidate passes the presbytery interview, his/her application will be sent to Springfield, MO for approval by the Executive Presbytery.
- If the Executive Presbytery approves, a notice will be sent out from Springfield.
- The approved candidate will then have to begin paying monthly minister’s dues in the next full month after approval.
- The approved candidate will be scheduled to be recognized at the next District Conference Ordination Service (usually on a Wednesday night in April).
Credential Advancements (i.e. Certified to License, or License to Ordination) are processed annually, and an application packet may be obtained during the minister’s annual sectional interview in August. Please contact the District Office for more information or visit the “Credential Advancement” tab to the left.
- When a minister (Certified or Licensed) meets with his or her Sectional Committee in August/September for the annual interview, he/she should request an Advancement to License or Advancement to Ordination packet from the Presbyter. The Committee will ask a few questions to confirm that the minister has met the minimal requirements for the next level of credentials and, if the requirements are met, the Presbyter will provide the minister with the advancement packet. ALL REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET PRIOR TO MAKING APPLICATION FOR ADVANCEMENT.
- The applicant will have approximately two weeks to complete the application and return it to the credentials office (there will be a letter with a specific deadline included with the packet).
- Once the applicant has submitted the application, supporting documents (release forms, etc), and fee, reference forms will be sent to those listed on the application and a background check will be run.
- The candidate will then be scheduled to take the license or ordination exam (a synopsis will be included in the application packet).
- The completed file will be reviewed by the Credentials Screening Committee.
- If there are no issues flagged, the file will be presented to the District Presbytery in January for recommendation (Ordination candidates are NOT required to attend the Presbytery Meeting, LICENSE candidates ARE required to attend). (If there are any issues the candidate will be interviewed by the Sectional Committee regarding those items prior to the Presbytery meeting.)
- The file recommended by the Presbytery will be forwarded to the General Council for final approval.
- If the applicant is applying for Ordination he/she would then be ordained in May at District Council.
You will receive notification from the General Council in November of each year.
Here are the instructions for renewing online:
- Go to
- Follow the prompts and instructions on each screen.
- Please note that if you are applying for advancement of your credential you must renew at your current credential level.
Note: You may find your account number on your Minister (Fellowship) Card; or by emailing (include your full official name and address); or calling 417-862-2781 extension 1114.
If you have any questions, contact the General Council at; or your District Council office at or call 808-836-4449 and speak with Megumi Ogihara.